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Advent of code 2021

Advent of Code 2021

This year's Advent of Code story was about exploring a deep ocean trench in a mini-submarine and solving problems with the instruments and navigation as you diver deeper and deeper.

This year I decided to break from my JavaScript day-to-day and attempt every puzzle using Python:

  • I practiced a lot of data manipulation in Python.
  • Learned how to use List Comprehensions where I would usually reach for JavaScript
  • Unerstood that I had to import reduce rather than relying on it just being there as in JavaScript.
  • Used a Lambda function or two which feel a lot like JavaScript Arrow Functions.
  • Figured out basic unit-testing in Python. As Python's unittest is readily importable this was much nicer than the JavaScript experience of having to decide which of many test runners to choose.

I managed a score of 21*. A little better than last year. Looking forward to completing every star one year 💪.